Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I saw a band over the weekend...

They were my nephew's band, young guys with a lot of talent and energy who are into the classic punk sound. Unfortunately, my nephew didn't get to play because the show was cut short by the lead singer and guitarist. This fellow has quite a bit of talent and stage presence. He was dressed like the punks I remember from when I was a kid, the plaid pants with chains and sleeveless denim jacket with all the band patches and logos.

This young man, all of sixteen years old, was the lifeforce behind this band. The night of the show, though, all he projected was hatred and contempt. The show started off okay, but soon degenerated into an anti-police (yes, the 'f' the police song), anti-government, anti-America and anti-everything else he could think of. Oddly, this message didn't play well in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.

The show ended with an incensed crowd and some band members being held apart by a police officer so as to avoid a fight. I don't have any problem with people expressing their opinions, but the sad thing is that this show became all about hatred and anger instead of the music. Protest is fine, but when you hate everything, no one is going to hear your message. Most people, whatever their political persuasion, stop listening after hearing 'f' America.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad that the show turned out the way that it did.

6/13/2006 01:34:00 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

It was disappointing, but I remember being a rebellious teenager myself. I had a pretty good life, but I was ready to rebel against anything and everything at the drop of a hat...

6/13/2006 06:31:00 AM  

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